Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hello from a hospital bed

Yes, I am stuck in the hospital until I deliver Thing One and Thing Two. I'm not hurting, the babies are safe, but as a precaution because I wasn't even aware I was having contractions or dilating I have to stay. I'll be here for Thanksgiving and that kind of stinks but I can't complain too much. My brother and his family (in Texas) are stuck in a hospital for the 2nd Thanksgiving in a row. I do get sad but I have some really great family and friends that visit me.

My mom knits cute little beanies but they are pretty big. I told her she should figure out how to make teeny tiny beanies. Well, she came in and presented me with the cutest little preemie beanie you've ever seen. She's only done one so far but she's gonna make another one.
Sterling "wearing" the beanie my mom made for our babies.

Konni at 25 weeks (in the hospital, obviously.)

The beanie in proportion to a coke can. Cute huh?

1 comment:


So cute. I love the beanie. We took a picture of the girls next to a 16 oz bottle and I will alwasy love that picture cuz you can really see how little they were. I would love to come and see hyou but you have to tell me where you are first. I have something "Little" for you. LOL.
I hope your thanksgiving wasn't too bad.