Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Awww... How Cute!!!

Ok, so, I had a couple of hamster's from the Vet Tech department at my work and to make a very long and drawn out story much shorter (and look in more favor to me) Sterling gave them away and I was VERY upset. So... we got another one. His name is Milton and he's pretty cute. I know I know.. you're all thinking... is she really putting a blog up about her new hamster? YES DANGIT! I AM! Now do you see why we need to adopt a baby so badly? Anyway, right after we got Milton we went to my parents house for dinner on Sunday. I knew that my neice and nephew, Kiana and Bryson, would be there. So, we brought Milton for them to play with. They LOVED him. they kept taking turns holding him and laughing while his little feet would tickle their arms when he ran up and down them. Then, one of them (I forget who) saw the back end of him and said "I can see his bum!!" Ha Ha Ha hilarious. For those of you who don't know... hamster carry their male genitelia (sp?) on their back end and you can see it all the time. It was just too cute for words. I just said "Yup! you SURE can!"

This is out little Milton

This is Charlie. He came to us because his owner was trying to find him a home and we decided to take him

This is the both of them. Their not real great friends... they don't cuddle or anything like my other two did. The other two were brothers though.

They like to push each other off of the wheel. Charlie is significantly bigger (fatter) than Milton so he pushes him around a lot. Milton runs really fast on the wheel where as Charlie more waddles along. However, It seems that Charling has taken quite a "liking" to Milton at times. Sterling says that Charlie rapes and pillages. Poor Milton.

Anywho... these are our new pets.

I'll be putting some much more interesting posts up very soon. So... stay tuned!

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