So since we brought squirty girl home I've not posted much. A lot has happened though. Micah got his shunt and is a totally different baby. He's my mellow fellow which is good because I don't know what I would do if I had two of Mattea. Micah was also life flighted back to St Marks from Primary childrens. (I didn't get to ride in either of the flights :( ) The NICU at Primary's was really full and Micah was stable enough to be transported back. He was in seclusion for a while where we had to gown up, gloves, and mask. He wouldn't nurse while he was in confinement. He didn't know who I was. After they were sure he didn't have RSV or anything else they put him in the room with all the other babies. The eye Dr saw him today and said his eyes are getting better so he'll probably be home soon. Two days before their due date he weighed 5 lbs 14 oz. Mattea a week before their due date weighed 7 lbs 2 oz. Not bad for 3 months old huh? They are the size of newborns. Micah is so skinny right now that you can see the tube from his shunt under his skin come from the top of his head. Down behind his right ear, across his should and down over his tummy. It's kind of funny. He looks like a little puppy with all his extra skin. I hope he fills out a little. He looks just like his daddy right now. Tall, skinny, and the cutest boy I've ever seen.

Micah boy being happy before surgery. That didn't happen much before surgery. He was kinda fussy.

Again, before shunt. Just cuddling up on Mom's chest.

Also before shunt. You can see his extra skin of his shoulder. Looks like a puppy that's still growing into his skin.

After surgery. He's still orange/red from the iodine or whatever they used.

After shunt. Looks a lot like his Dad. I love my boys.

So sleepy after shunt surgery. Temporary red head.

If you look kinda close you can see the shunt tube under his skin.